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Why You Need to Nurture Your Email List

Posted in: Email Marketing

Why You Need to Nurture Your Email List
Everyone has heard the saying “quality over quantity” – when it comes to your email list, that saying definitely rings true. Getting the most out of email marketing isn’t about having millions of subscribers. It’s about converting your subscribers into paying customers.

When people join your email list, they tell you, “I want to know more.” While they may not be ready to buy at that moment, they allow you to convince them to stick around.

This means you absolutely must take time to nurture your email list and make certain that your target audience stays engaged and that they don’t forget you! Getting placed on the back burner is all too easy these days, with so many emails flying around.

To nurture your list, focus on sharing your expertise and giving to your audience – this is not the time for a hard sell. Track the success of your email marketing and be ready to make changes if something isn’t working.

Building Relationships with Your Subscribers
Nurturing your email list is how you’ll get prospective subscribers to convert to paying customers and brand advocates. The main objective of your email list is to build and nurture relationships with people you may be able to help further down the line.
It’s not a numbers game, and it’s not about making immediate sales. Email marketing is about making genuine connections and solving a problem with your product or service.

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Why People Join Your List

To nurture your list, you first have to understand what made people sign up for your list in the first place. Most people will be attracted to your list by your lead magnet.
People join and stay on your list because they want:

  • Help with a challenge, and they think you can help
  • Special deals or discounts
  • Exclusive information or content
  •  To stay in touch.

Strategies for Nurturing Your List

When you are intentional with your strategy, you are more likely to see positive results, with increased sales and improved relationships with your ideal customers. People are also less likely to unsubscribe because you are delivering the thoughtful content they expected when they signed up for your list.
Here are some ideas for content that you can use to cultivate relationships:

  •  Send a warm welcome email.
  • Share the story about your brand.
  • Give a list of resources or websites you recommend.
  • Share your favorite blog posts.
  • Run a competition for a prize.
  • Reward your email subscribers with a free service or product.

All content you develop must be something your audience wants.

By taking the time to plan and send regular content, you:

  • Stay in touch with your subscribers
  • Nurture your relationship with them
  • Build your brand
  • Showcase your expertise

Keep the momentum going.

Nurturing your email list takes time. The more genuine you are, the better your chance of creating an authentic connection with your target audience. The more you focus on nurturing your list, the more loyal your audience will become.

Consider ways to nurture your target audience and move your business forward. Work to build the ‘know, like, trust’ factor with your subscribers with each email you send.


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brand advocates brand story build relationships competition prize content strategy convert subscribers email list Email Marketing email rewards exclusive content favorite blog posts genuine connection increase sales know like trust factor lead magnet nurture audience recommended resources target audience unsubscribe prevention warm welcome email

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