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“I Don’t Have a Creative Bone in My Body” – 3 Lies You’re Telling Yourself and How a Creative Mindset Will Help

Posted in: Mindset

Creative Mindset

“I Don’t Have a Creative Bone in My Body” – 3 Lies You’re Telling Yourself and How a Creative Mindset Will Help

Do you think creativity isn’t in your blood? If so, you’re wrong! Every person has the potential to express themselves and generate new and unique ideas.

Creativity can be learned and nurtured, but first you need to disavow yourself of the 3 biggest myths.

Myth #1 – You’re Either Born Creative or You’re Not

Artists like to pretend they came into the world fully formed with all their artistic talents in place, but this is never the case. Some people have a head start with musical talent or an eye for design, but every single artist has to work hard and practice to hone their skills. This is where the real work is done.

This means that anyone can learn, even if you think you don’t have any innate talent. Learn to augment your creativity by changing your mindset and implementing some new skills and techniques.

Myth #2 – The Eureka Moment


One of the biggest myths about creativity is that good ideas come in a sudden flash of inspiration. This is wrong for a couple of reasons.
First, new ideas don’t come out of the blue. It’s most likely that the concept has been brewing in your mind for some time. The “eureka moment” is just when the idea surfaces and comes to the forefront of your mind.

Second, real creativity stems from persistence and hard work. Artists, writers, and musicians make it a daily practice. They also employ tools and techniques to spur their imagination. You can do this too by shifting your mindset.

Myth #3 – There’s Only One Type of Creative Person


People usually imagine an artist or designer when they think of a “creative person,” failing to realize that everyone uses creativity, every single day of their lives.

We’re constantly faced with problems and conundrums where we have to think outside the box. Planning a meal, shopping for the right clothes, or fixing a broken appliance all require this kind of thinking. You’re already creative. You just need to unlock it.

How to Unleash Your Creativity

So, how do you unleash this latent creativity? Here are some simple things you can try:

  • Change it up. Try doing things differently. Even something simple like brushing your teeth with the other hand can spur creativity.
  • Seek out inspiration. Find things that inspire you and get your imagination going, and then turn to them when you need them.
  • Avoid blocks. Find out what blocks your flow or distracts you and work on eliminating it.
  • Seek out new experiences. The more varied inputs you have, the more original output you’ll see.

Adopting the right mindsets can help you be more creative in all areas of your life. It can bring meaningful change and help you achieve your most important goals.


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