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Essential SEO Tips for Boosting Your New Website’s Visibility

Posted in: Website Development

Essential SEO Tips for Boosting Your New Websites Visibility

Essential SEO Tips for Boosting Your New Website’s Visibility

Your new website won’t get the desired results if people can’t find it. And it’s more than just offering excellent content and offers. You also need to make it appealing to Google so it’ll send you the targeted traffic you can convert.
Search engine optimization doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are tips on doing SEO easily and effectively.

The Basics of SEO

Do search engine optimization, both on-page and off-page.
On-page SEO involves keywords and design elements. Keywords are search terms that bring targeted searches to your site and tell Google what it’s about. Then, when people search for those terms, your website appears on the results pages.
Certain design elements will boost your SEO. For example, if you make your site easy to use with good navigation, people will stay and enjoy it. As a result, Google will send more traffic.
The main element of off-page SEO is backlinks that lead to your site. For example, you might guest post on a blog in your niche. Your author bio includes a link back to your site. Or, you might announce a new product line on social media.

Research Your Market

Effective SEO starts with researching your target audience. Of course, you don’t want just anyone to come to your site. Instead, you need the right people to see your content and take you up on your offers. This ideal person best suited for your offer is your target customer persona.
Create a persona that describes this ideal individual in terms of their demographics, attitudes, and buying behavior. Then, pay close attention to the issues and problems your products can solve. This will help you choose keywords and design your site for maximum optimization.

The Recipe for the Right Keywords

The best keywords for your SEO have 3 qualities:

  1. High Search Volume. Many people are searching for this term.
  2. Relevant to Your Business. Your keywords should be relevant to your business, topic, and products.
  3. Low Competition. Try to find keywords with high search volume but low competition. This means few websites are targeting the term. Therefore, you will have a larger share of the search results with less competition.

The best way to research keywords is to brainstorm popular, relevant, and low-competition terms. Then check them using a keyword tool. Google’s Keyword Planner is free and easy to use. If you need something more complex, you can upgrade later.

Check out Long Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords are longer phrases or whole sentences or questions. These are better than words or short phrases because they have less competition and can be much more specific. Long tail keywords can help you target exactly the searches you’re looking for.

Get Quality Backlinks

Google evaluates backlinks based on quality, not quantity. It looks at the sources where backlinks are coming from and assesses the credibility and authority of those sites. You’ll do better with a few high-quality backlinks than many low-quality ones. So your strategy should be quality over quantity.

Monitor Results and Improve

Once you launch your site, monitor your conversions and make changes where necessary. Use Google Analytics to see traffic sources, visitor behavior, and other metrics to help you improve.


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